Ahhh, February is here! February gets no love from me so I am glad we've finally made it so that it can hurry up and go away. You feel me? I live near Chicago and so experienced the Polar Vortex. Indeed, it brought the coldest weather of my LIFE and that is not an...
Search for cases of the Crafties!

WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 50
Holy smokes! Fifty?! Where has the year gone, eh? I have no TAST photos, but I have the next pennant nearly laid out and ready to stitch. Yes, it will be another collection of stitches rather than fully exploring each type. My progress might be sluggish - still...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 49
Brrr it is cold out there! This week's Works in Progress do not include TAST, nor has there been progress on my crazy quilt block, but I do have things to show! I needed to make something for the ornament exchange with my guild. I will write about that in another post...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 48
As suspected in my last post, I completed the needlepoint portion of one of my WIPs. More to come when I figure out how I am going to mount it to the wood block! Although I didn't get a chance to work on TAST, here is where my current pennant stands - it is another...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 47
Today I am traveling for the holiday so I preemptively wrote this for ya'll. I don't have all the photos taken because while I have made progress on both TAST and other WIPs, I just didn't get around to photographing everything. First, I am making slow progress in my...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 46
I am making a third TAST roundup for this week. You can see my progress and doodle ideas here: I also made progress in my first needlepoint project. I don't love needlepoint (and I don't even know if I am "doing it right") but I came up with an idea to attach this to...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 45
Here is my progress on TAST this week: But it isn't what you think! I actually finished a pennant as well, but I need to wait til I have more than just these iPhone photos. See! I told you not to give up on me yet. When I was out of town on work, I swung by six...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 42
I have a cold. I say this because I did not go to work anywhere this week, and work is where I left my TAST supplies, so you know what that means - I didn't do any TAST and now I am another week behind! Oi! I haven't felt well so I've mostly laid around watching TV...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 41
Ok, let's start with TAST! After gathering my project back together and scoping out Pintangle (which Sharon just revamped so be sure to check it out!), I realized that I had done several of the stitches already on previous pennants. This includes: #19 crossed...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 40
Let me be square right off the bat: no TAST to report! Don't give up on me yet! I actually compiled the list of where to begin and got my items out to start! Hopefully, you will start seeing some TAST updates by next week:) But in other news, my beginner's crazy quilt...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 39
Speaking of the beginner's crazy quilt course, I sewed together my first block. While I enjoy the colors together and do plan to use this in a different project, I've decided to sew a different color combination for the purposes of the class. You'll see that maybe by...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 38
We are skipping WIP-TAST-ic Wednesdays 22-37 since I was out of town. I did craft all summer, but just here and there and without the stability in schedule to photograph or post. Today is a signal that I am back in some sort of routine (I hope!) and so I've chosen a...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 20
Time travel is great, no? So anyways, I didn't actually get this posted last week but I also didn't get much crafting done. I worked more of the satin stitch on my latest TAST pennant; just a few leaves to go. I am also at the point of deciding if I want to dedicate a...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 19
I have a lot of progress on my quilt! It should have been finished by now because it was meant to be fast and easy but my imagination is just doing everything it can to slow it down. I am fighting to find the balance! When it is all said and done, you'll see...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 18
Time traveling, here! I made progress on my rice stitch sampler for TAST, though it was late and I messed up on my argyle sock so I need to pick out some of it and start again. I made progress on my quilt, also. I have most of the bits fused on, though I have to say...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 17
Ok, I cheated - I forgot to publish this on Wednesday! Nevertheless, here goes. I did not get my TAST project finished last time, but I did make progress. Because I am behind there, and also because I cannot see myself filling up a pennant with the satin stitch, I am...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 16
First up, you may remember my first foray with candlewick embroidery and the better-than-french-knot colonial knot (here and here). I finally got it pieced to become a wall hanging. Now I will stash it a way a bit until I get the necessary boards to finish the quilt...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 15
I have two projects to share this week. The first is the TAST challenge: arrow stitch. I am not very far on it yet. I blame the weather (it's been walkable!) and working at the office a lot more. Maybe I should just give up the dream of temporary retirement and...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 14
I still only have a single project in this week's WIP queue, which is what I prefer! However, what I don't prefer is that it is last week's TAST. Boo. I have it all finished but the little motif challenge. I have some ideas for that but I just couldn't pick which...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 13
This week's work-in-progress is back down to a single project: TAST - the sheaf stitch. I forgot my black thread at home today, so I could not start with the title segment as usual. But I found so many ideas! Holy cow, I really shouldn't be surprised anymore. Every...