My friend got married in October and I missed the deadline - even though work began in April! They set up a webpage for the wedding information with the tagline "Meant to Bean" (it makes sense for them) so that was obviously part of my inspiration. My friend also used...
Search for cases of the Crafties!

Milk Glass Pin Cushion
I don't remember where I scored this milk glass dish, which I think is an Indiana pedestal candy dish with a daisy design, but I could not part with it. I don't eat candy, and had no idea what to do with it, so it just sat in a closet for years. One day, a blog I...
Aunt Martha’s first test
I picked up an Aunt Martha's tracing pad and transfer pencils recently and wanted to see if this is something that can help me going forward. The process is simple: use the tracing paper to copy an image with the transfer pencil, then use a hot iron to transfer the...
Sewing box
I love books and I love bookstores but those are harder to find, at least the good ones with All The Books and All The Things. For instance, we no longer have a Borders or a Barnes & Noble, and our Books-A-Million is super tiny. But the BAM where I visited for...
Lucky me!
I recently won two blog giveaways! That hasn't happened in literally years. I was amazed it happened at all, let alone twice!! First, I follow Amy at Nana Company and entered the giveaway she hosted on behalf of Ginger Root Bags - and won this cute little thing that I...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 44
I've made progress on TAST but I failed to mention last week that I would be out of town for archaeology again this week. I made the right assumption of not having time to sew so I left everything back home. I am enjoying myself here though, and found some beautiful...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 14
I still only have a single project in this week's WIP queue, which is what I prefer! However, what I don't prefer is that it is last week's TAST. Boo. I have it all finished but the little motif challenge. I have some ideas for that but I just couldn't pick which...
Book Folding: Heart
One of my MIL's friends wanted to share something she recently learned and fell in love with, and I got invited over to "wine club" to participate, too. Everyone pitched in for some yummy food, and she brought supplies and taught us about book folding. I've seen this...
Organization overhaul
Throughout the years I have been lucky enough to inherit so many crafting things. Add to that all the things I was also fortunate enough to budget for, and it became a lot! I try to confine everything into my craft room closet, but that became a messy hoard that...
Springish cleaning
I've been putting my craft room through an overhaul recently. It might be a subconscious thing that I wish it were spring so if I start cleaning, maybe the weather will warm up? Blue skies will return? No? Well, I tried. So, my closet was a disaster - fabrics stuffed...
Willow Movie Party
My all-time favorite childhood movie is Willow. Or Labyrinth. It's a toss up, really. But anyway, I found out that my sister-in-law had never seen it. This is important because 1) How can you never have seen the awesomeness that Willow is? And 2) "Kaia" has been my...
Stuff without photos.
Computer news: The power adapter for my laptop snapped in two and the battery is officially dead now. I have some posts to make but the computers i have available arent my flavor - they are a little too much on the unix side to deal with photo editing and such, if you...
back in the game
I hope. So a brief catch-up / things-on-my-mind post of randomness. As you may have guessed, all crafting has slowed to a stop lately here. My craft room was taken over by furniture and tools. I got the tools out at least so now there is room to craft again and i can...
100th Post Special
This post isnt what I had intended to post for my 100th post special, but I felt it was special enough, if not even more special than my original intention. Two friends and I participated in Iraqi Bundles of Love this year, otherwise known as IBOL. To sum it up, a...
heres to the future
Since i have couches/tools/hutches/etc in my bedroom and craftroom, fridges in my living room, tables in my laundry room, and cabinets in my garage, the serenity necessary for me to feel crafty is at an all time low. But my tendency to have my hand in too many pots is...
a new look
Im still working out some kinks because I cant leave well enough alone and i fuddle through php and html like a palsiated horse would, but overall is it SO MUCH BETTER. Im sure youll agree. 🙂
basket tags
(My camera is in Alaska - I lent it to Topher for his green-eyed-monster-summoning 10 day cruise. So, I apologize for the quality of the pics, as they are from my phone. Usually my phone takes pretty swell pictures, but the lighting in my craftroom is quite lacking so...
it has arrived
circa 2000, end
And the finale from the last postings... Project G: Bottled Stars When Snapple first came out, i loved the shape of the bottle. I was also into making oragami stars at one of my other sit-around-and-do-nothing-but-get-paid jobs. I simply painted the bottle and filled...