Just a summary of random things that’s been keeping me from posting.
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Stitch Club: Kaur
Saima Kaur led a TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club designed to make us smile by stitching brightly bold and whimsical figures, and I was inspired by ancient South African rock art.
A new era
My craft room has two new additions, Toby and Ollie.
Hexie Dreams 16
I have a total of 107 flowers ready for my fussy-cut EPP Hexie Dreams quilt and am moving on to planning how to arrange them.
Eternal napping in the sun
You can stop here if you don’t wish to read anything sad today. It’s already bad enough with Roe v. Wade, war, and such, I know.
#52tagshannemade 22
I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 22’s theme is “layers of lace”.
The Long Nap
You can stop here if you don’t wish to read anything sad today. It’s already bad enough with COVID and protests, I know.
Lucky me!
I recently won two blog giveaways! That hasn't happened in literally years. I was amazed it happened at all, let alone twice!! First, I follow Amy at Nana Company and entered the giveaway she hosted on behalf of Ginger Root Bags - and won this cute little thing that I...
a decade of the Crafties
Ten years ago today, I pushed publish on this blog. You can see that first posting here. Of course, my site has undergone several visual changes, and I didn't really know the direction my crafts would take, but the main goal still satisfies: simply to record. Most...
I’m back!
I know my blog has been quiet for weeks - nay, months - now, but I am back home (at least for now). My anthropology project was awesome, and I'll pop over a little note on that blog sometime. So, what crafty news do I have to share? Well, first up, my Heart Mouse...
Organization overhaul
Throughout the years I have been lucky enough to inherit so many crafting things. Add to that all the things I was also fortunate enough to budget for, and it became a lot! I try to confine everything into my craft room closet, but that became a messy hoard that...
Septic tank woes
Home sweet home is not without issue. In a nut shell, our septic tank caved in this fall. It is in part of our yard that is not easily noticeable from our windows. So imagine my surprise when I wandered outside in a rush to check on a bird that I heard hit the window...
2016 house makeover
After our new siding last year, Boy decided that the next major project at the house was to replace the roof. He gathered his friends to help (one of them has worked as a roofer before) and his dad supervised the bigger project. Unfortunately, they planned it to be...
Springish cleaning
I've been putting my craft room through an overhaul recently. It might be a subconscious thing that I wish it were spring so if I start cleaning, maybe the weather will warm up? Blue skies will return? No? Well, I tried. So, my closet was a disaster - fabrics stuffed...
chocobo mug rug
Do any of you know what a chocobo is? It is a bird from one of my husband's favorite game series: Final Fantasy. I came across this image from HowToDrawManga3D.com and decided to try my hand at a mug rug one day over break. I embroidered the chocobo onto some yellow...
This is a little bit of a personal story, but I wanted to share in case any of you are afraid of nasal surgery like I was. In December, I had turbinate reduction, septoplasty, and nasal valve repair surgeries (all in one out patient visit) - thank you Obamacare! Since...
Working on it!
I have the new site fully designed and I created the CSS for it, with a pseudo run of HTML (basically, everything but the PHP that actually would make it work). Alas, that last bit does require the help of Boy if I want it done any time soon (can't really spend more...
long time no see
I graduated, huzzah! Over the summer I have been keeping busy with my new profession, but I also have something up my sleeve - a new design for the site! One of my new talents is working for Boy, so I have been learning how to *properly* build a wordpress site (even...
I just wanted to note that Jessica from ALLFREESEWING.com contacted me a while back about listing my book cover tutorial on their site. I gave permission and am thrilled with the amount of people checking things out! Don't forget to share your photos with the rest of...
Willow Movie Party
My all-time favorite childhood movie is Willow. Or Labyrinth. It's a toss up, really. But anyway, I found out that my sister-in-law had never seen it. This is important because 1) How can you never have seen the awesomeness that Willow is? And 2) "Kaia" has been my...