I finished an old cross stitch of a cat face as part of my Move It On or Move It Out series (MIOMIO) for 2025.
Search for cases of the Crafties!

Slow Stitching
I used the process of slow stitch / stitch meditation to make an example piece for my embroidery guild. I call it “What is luck?”.
Hoop-D-Do Challenge
My embroidery guild always has an annual challenge of some type and this year was our “Hoop-D-Do” project, whereby we were to create a work using specific stitches to be displayed in the hoop itself. My display of flowers in a “wood” bowl speaks the 70s to me. And, as usual, I didn’t stick to the rules well and added my own flare – ha!
Pretty Birds Cardinal
A while back I was at a discount bookstore and picked up a book by Virginia Lindsay, Pretty Birds. It has very simple patterns to make a range of different little birds and was just the thing I needed to find an idea for the handmade ornament exchange my embroidery...
Little Lark ornaments
For my embroidery guild ornament exchange, I decided to make a Little Lark - Gingermelon Dolls makes the cutest little plushies, and she is so generous to offer some patterns for free! To test out my skills and the pattern, I started with a fabric I really liked and...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 48
As suspected in my last post, I completed the needlepoint portion of one of my WIPs. More to come when I figure out how I am going to mount it to the wood block! Although I didn't get a chance to work on TAST, here is where my current pennant stands - it is another...
Folk Art Panel
I recently mentioned that I was almost done with this project, what I call the "folk art panel". And now, here it is in all it's wonky glory! I pieced it together by machine, but everything else was done by hand (hence the "wonky" bit, as I certainly could use more...
Swedish Huck Weaving
My embroidery guild had a Swedish huck weaving project so I opted in! You might remember me mentioning it before, but I finally finished it. The kit came from Nordic Needle though I can no longer find it there - the instructions are still available here, however. To...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 42
I have a cold. I say this because I did not go to work anywhere this week, and work is where I left my TAST supplies, so you know what that means - I didn't do any TAST and now I am another week behind! Oi! I haven't felt well so I've mostly laid around watching TV...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 41
Ok, let's start with TAST! After gathering my project back together and scoping out Pintangle (which Sharon just revamped so be sure to check it out!), I realized that I had done several of the stitches already on previous pennants. This includes: #19 crossed...
Martha’s French Boutis Bag
I finished the French boutis bag I've been working on all summer and have decided to gift it to my gramma who travels frequently and may need a nice place for her jewelry or such. I was going to drive through the area yesterday on my way down to Living...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 38
We are skipping WIP-TAST-ic Wednesdays 22-37 since I was out of town. I did craft all summer, but just here and there and without the stability in schedule to photograph or post. Today is a signal that I am back in some sort of routine (I hope!) and so I've chosen a...
I’m back!
I know my blog has been quiet for weeks - nay, months - now, but I am back home (at least for now). My anthropology project was awesome, and I'll pop over a little note on that blog sometime. So, what crafty news do I have to share? Well, first up, my Heart Mouse...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 15
I have two projects to share this week. The first is the TAST challenge: arrow stitch. I am not very far on it yet. I blame the weather (it's been walkable!) and working at the office a lot more. Maybe I should just give up the dream of temporary retirement and...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 14
I still only have a single project in this week's WIP queue, which is what I prefer! However, what I don't prefer is that it is last week's TAST. Boo. I have it all finished but the little motif challenge. I have some ideas for that but I just couldn't pick which...
guild embroidered name tag
New embroidery guild members are tasked with eventually making their own embroidered name tag. I finally got around to mine, a year later! Another guild member already goes by my nickname, so I went with my formal name when I joined. Since my last name is also on the...
Small finishes
You may recall the Monoprice Ultra-thin Light Table pouch I made, yeah? Well, I made it only for the size of the lightbox, knowing I would have to do something for the power adapter. I simply made a small matching bag, and tossed it in a basket that has other power...
more buttons
I embroidered three more buttons for my guild's State Day event later this year. Remember, these each fit within a 1-inch diameter circle! Two patterns came from 500 Simply Charming Designs for Embroidery. Everyone's favorite is that wee mouse! And one came out of...
Learning to Love Blackwork
At my last embroidery guild meeting, we learned how to do blackwork embroidery and were shown the EGA pattern Learning to Love Blackwork by Linda Dorril (if you become an EGA member, you will have access to it to try for yourself!). I have come across blackwork...
Pennsylvania Dutch Tree
What is old is new again! This is a candlewick embroidery project (yet another aspect of sewing I had never heard of - though it kind of makes sense considering I was all of 4 years old at the time this hit the shops, as marked by the printed date on the bottom of the...