Kate Time lead a TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club on narrative bead texture, and I was inspired to have a play!
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Chickadee Wall Hanging
I was inspired by Mandy Pattullo to make a chickadee wall hanging mixed media piece.
Stitch Club: Steel-Jessop
As part of TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club, I made a map of Guy Gavriel Kay’s Sarantium (by Martin Springett) following Bridget Steel-Jessop’s workshop.
Eliza McClelland’s Kit
I made a small mixed-media piece using an Eliza McClelland beadwork kit and some other art supplies.
Stitch Club: Goodwin
As part of TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club, I followed Valerie S. Goodwin’s workshop to create a map of one of my favorite places.
Stitch Club: Pattullo 2
As part of TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club, I followed Mandy Pattullo’s workshop to create a textile collage bird.
Stitch Club: McVetis
As part of TextileArtist.org’s Stitch Club, I created an abstract motherboard using techniques from Richard McVetis.
Gertenbach’s talisman: seashell
I was inspired by Victoria Gertenbach’s cover article on Quilting Arts magazine to create this seashell talisman with embroidery, beads, and a bit of longing for the beach!
Shawkl’s ICQC 103 Beaded S
The second task in the monogram lesson was to make a beaded letter. I felt I was going to not have enough beads, so I opted to use a stem stitch in a large perle cotton as fill. I rather like the texture combination! I hadn't done any true beading work before, so...