I made another Sydney Pouch, this time reminding me of sitting in my gramma and grampa’s screened in porch up on the hill.
Search for cases of the Crafties!

Sydney Pouch: Garden
I made another Sydney Pouch by Roxy Creations, this time a yellow garden theme with a different method of construction.
Sydney Pouch: Mosaic
I used the Sydney Pouch pattern by Roxy Creations to make this little collaged pouch.
Wild Olive: Summer Reading Tote
I sewed up a tote bag from Wild Olive’s Summer Reading Stitch Along using Robin Pickens’ Abby Rose fabric collection.
Swan boutis bag
Heyo heyo! I don't know why it has taken me so long to finish this bag, but here it is! You might remember my first foray into the world of French boutis - I took that pattern and altered it a little to add my own little swirly heart design and I used a swan image I...
Travel Bag
Today's post is all about Michelle Patterns' Mending Kit, which I've used before as a travel bag when I visited Peru, but now with more of my own custom personalizations. (It amazes me how much skill I've picked up accidentally over the years!) I love this...
Peru’s Mending Kit
Soooo long ago I mentioned how I owed a post about this bag I made - one I was very proud of! - for my last trip to Peru. I used the Mending Kit pattern from Michelle patterns and made a few changes here and there to suit my needs. These photos came from after...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 38
We are skipping WIP-TAST-ic Wednesdays 22-37 since I was out of town. I did craft all summer, but just here and there and without the stability in schedule to photograph or post. Today is a signal that I am back in some sort of routine (I hope!) and so I've chosen a...
2016 makes
I hadn't posted a lot there toward the end of the year, huh? I was in the midst of a tough semester, to sugar coat it. I survived, so there is that! 2017 is going great. I hope that with my new teaching schedule and perspective on life that I'll post more often...
Not there yet but
Boy hasn't had much of a chance to help me with the parts of the website puzzle I am too newb to figure out. He was looking in to it tonight, and then realized that there must have been a security hole as something odd appeared and now he is working on that...silly...
ruthys bag
I wanted to make something for my faraway friend Ruthys birthday so while I was on the kick of making bags, i thought, why not? I asked her for her favorite color combos and shes really digging black, red, and white right now. I tried to do something a little edgier...
colleens bag
Making bags is fun! Colleen chose a very bright pallet for summer. I used the same pattern as my go-bag, an altered version of ArtsyCraftyBabe's Phoebe Bag. I also tossed the idea out to Colleen to do the bottom of the bag in a different fabric and she went for it. I...
tracys bag
I got lots of compliments on my newest go-bag, and a couple of requests. Tracy bought the fabric needed for the Penelope Tote from ISLY. She fell in love with the print and matched the green for the outside. She also asked that I do a "window" with her favorite piece...
weekend crafts
In addition to finalizing everything in the newly organized craft room, I got some headway on a few things. The first bag is complete and the problem I had when I first tried to make it was what I had thought. I learned that when the lining doesnt want to match up...
Here are some sneak peeks of current projects. All of these will be bags and the fabric was (mostly) chosen by the future bag owners. The patterns are cut out, but I need to start sewing the pieces together. I had a bit of a crafting lull for a while when the last bag...
my new go-bag
The bag I made for my New York trip was fun, but because I was new at sewing, there were a few issues with it that started to bother me, so I opted for a new one. I call it a go-bag because i can just grab it and go and have entertainment handy, as well as some items...
crafty catch-up
One of the projects I made since losing my usb cable is Ruar, the Starfish. I used some gifted fabric and felt, did a little embroidery with french knots and fern stitching, and sewed and stuffed. My neice loved it, as it was small and fit in her hands and mouth:) I...
nyny begins with a bag
I am so happy with myself! I actually got a travel bag purse thingie sewed up in all its cuteness today! It took me about 8 hours (not to mention the time to cut it while babysitting yesterday, nor the few hours it took when i whipped out a prototype from some gifted...