I present to you My Village Quilt, based on the Urban Village Green quilt: a four-year-long project that tipped the love-hate scale finally over to love.
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TA Stitch Challenge #5
The challenge this week at TextileArtist.org is hosted by Emily Jo Gibbs. She works with appliqué and suggested we find an interesting stick - well my yard has more sticks than you could shake a forest at! I spent a short time outside looking for just the right one -...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 17
Ok, I cheated - I forgot to publish this on Wednesday! Nevertheless, here goes. I did not get my TAST project finished last time, but I did make progress. Because I am behind there, and also because I cannot see myself filling up a pennant with the satin stitch, I am...
Sue Spargo’s Textured Embroidery Craftsy Class
You might recall that I signed up for two Craftsy courses earlier this year. Today, I present to you my first finished project, from Embroidering Texture and Dimension from Sue Spargo which is a lesson in textured embroidery. I ordered her fabric kit but could not...
appliqué wedding gift
Howdy folks! My sister-in-law finally found a home on her wall for the applique wedding gift I made for her. She hung it above a piece of furniture she inherited from her grandmother, which she painted a cool color - check it out! Here's a close up. I am wondering how...
First applique experience
I finally wrapped up my sister-in-laws 2-year-belated wedding present and gave it to her. In this post, I am going to talk about the process. When she sends me over a photo of it hung on the wall in all its glory, I will post the final look. I learned many things....
Sneak peek
I have been sewing while watching Star Trek: TNG. I swear, that is the best sewing series around! It is amazing that I grew up watching it, yet every now and then, I come across an episode I have zero memory of. Very fun! Here is a sneak peek of something I am working...