I picked up a couple of Lin Vandenberg's Historical Egyptian Treasures at my guild a while back. They are from 1992 and I can't seem to locate any online reference about them. It is a technique I hadn't tried yet: pattern darning. I say I don't like doing counted work...
Search for cases of the Crafties!

WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 51
Howdy hello! The end of 2018 is surely upon us and I hope all is well with you. I don't have any typical WIPs to show; I haven't been crafting in the usual sense. I had to buckle down and learn Adobe's InDesign for something, and it turns out I love it. Like, a lot. I...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 44
I've made progress on TAST but I failed to mention last week that I would be out of town for archaeology again this week. I made the right assumption of not having time to sew so I left everything back home. I am enjoying myself here though, and found some beautiful...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 39
Speaking of the beginner's crazy quilt course, I sewed together my first block. While I enjoy the colors together and do plan to use this in a different project, I've decided to sew a different color combination for the purposes of the class. You'll see that maybe by...
I’m back!
I know my blog has been quiet for weeks - nay, months - now, but I am back home (at least for now). My anthropology project was awesome, and I'll pop over a little note on that blog sometime. So, what crafty news do I have to share? Well, first up, my Heart Mouse...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 20
Time travel is great, no? So anyways, I didn't actually get this posted last week but I also didn't get much crafting done. I worked more of the satin stitch on my latest TAST pennant; just a few leaves to go. I am also at the point of deciding if I want to dedicate a...
WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 14
I still only have a single project in this week's WIP queue, which is what I prefer! However, what I don't prefer is that it is last week's TAST. Boo. I have it all finished but the little motif challenge. I have some ideas for that but I just couldn't pick which...
Bent-pole Structures!
One of the things I did this summer was work down at the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky, as I mentioned before. It was a blast on so many levels, and I just realized that I did help craft something amazingly huge! Two things, actually: bent-pole structures!...
skull pillow & tuatara
I would be seeing my bioanthropology friend from New Zealand at a conference so I wanted to make her something - of course I chose a skull pillow! She also brought me a gift; a tuatara - a native reptile of New Zealand. It is from a company called dodoland and there...
Skull pillow
I am back from Mexico and will post about that trip some day, but first I wanted to share with you something I whipped up yesterday. I've been invited to go analyze some skeletons discovered by a road construction project and it reminded me that I wanted to make some...
Troweling around: archaeology trowel holster
As an archaeologist, I own a trowel. They begin as mortar trowels, but we sharpen them to cut through dirt. Ergo, you need an archaeology trowel holster. The ones you can buy are bulky and have a small amount of weight to them. I wanted something different. Enter Boy...
Scrapping Peru
Not only did I finish my pillow, but I finally, finally, finally tackled the scrapbook layout from my Peru fieldschool that has been sitting in a closet for literally years (I mean, the trip alone was in 2007!!). These pages are from my excursion to the Museo de la...
the future of a case of the crafties
The future is uncertain. I may post considerably less often. Or nothing may change at all. At this point, I really have no idea just how much of my life will be changing, but the comments I made about postponing house updates or making much cheaper decisions, are all...
I was called in today for my first autopsy. Due to confidentiality and privacy rights, I will not divulge specific details, but I can say that I was fine the whole time. I learned a lot more than I remember, being half asleep and all, but overall it was a neat...
Considering I cant find my usb cable to upload photos, I thought I would share a different kind of post. I applied for an internship at the coroner's office. My plan is that in grad school i might pursue forensic anthropology. That would involve a doctorate, and as of...