Howdy folks! Year’s end is just ahead, and as usual I’ve updated my books page and the gallery (though the plug-in is broken so the links are askew; maybe I’ll fix that someday but for now I wait for an update from the developers). The gallery doesn’t show much this year, but one must remember that a large portion of my time was spent keeping track of wayward kittens and a (still-in-progress) major house renovation. I also began water coloring in a nature journal in August, thanks to a tip from a friend to check out John Muir Laws and kind. I do plan to show that here at some point; until then, you’ll just have to take my word that I have been flexing my art muscles all year long, regardless of how quiet the blog has been.
As for 2025, I have pie-in-the-sky plans pertaining to stitch, which entails what I’m calling a “Move It On Or Move It Out” (Mio/Mio) philosophy. I have many projects in progress – a veering from my past self who knowingly used the desire to start a new project as a reason to complete the (one and only) current project. I think I function best that way – similar to what science says about multi-tasking (it’s a myth!). So, in 2025, I want to either complete these projects or decide they aren’t interesting enough to persist, and get them off my mind as outstanding projects that I “should” get to some day. I suppose this means I will be working on the act of letting go?
Whatever happens, the kits and I will be seeing you in the new year 😀