Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
I made some progress on my ribbon embroidery this week! As you might recall, TAST is on hiatus this week for people to catch up. Sharon announced a small project, to combine a few stitches we’ve learned in a new project. I did not do this per se, but I did...
Saturday, March 10th, 2018
You’ve read about my idea for this here, right? Ok! See all completed TAST posts here. So as I mentioned, I stuck with basic couching stitches – I did not couch using anything fancier than a straight stitch or two. Front and back: In this top portion, I used...
Wednesday, March 7th, 2018
It is best I have been super busy working with Boy, else I might get too use to my early + temporary retirement. Sigh. All I have to show you is this week’s TAST which is the couching stitch. I have it all planned. The trick is that I intend to only use the...