2018 TAST

You’ve read about my idea for this here, right? Ok! See all completed TAST posts here. I completed Sharon of Pintangle’s 2018 TAST Challenge! I had one stitch left, #32 Buttonholed Herringbone. I simply dug out my Stitch #5 Herringbone pennant and changed one of...

TAST: Roundup 5

You’ve read about my idea for this here, right? Ok! See all completed TAST posts here. Without further adieu, front and back: This is my last TAST pennant. No, no, don’t congratulate me yet! I have a single stitch left. See, after completing the last pennant, I...

TAST: Roundup 4

You’ve read about my idea for this here, right? Ok! See all completed TAST posts here. Front and back as expected: So, like the last few pennants, this one is obviously a collection of stitches. Here we have Stitch#24 Twisted Lattice Band. I really love the texture!...

WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 52

We made it!! I don’t have any WIPs to post because I actually have two TAST pennants to post about. But with the holiday I didn’t get a chance to do so yet. This is the last Wednesday of the year. I had decided to make regular scheduled postings for...

WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 51

Howdy hello! The end of 2018 is surely upon us and I hope all is well with you. I don’t have any typical WIPs to show; I haven’t been crafting in the usual sense. I had to buckle down and learn Adobe’s InDesign for something, and it turns out I love...

WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 50

Holy smokes! Fifty?! Where has the year gone, eh? I have no TAST photos, but I have the next pennant nearly laid out and ready to stitch. Yes, it will be another collection of stitches rather than fully exploring each type. My progress might be sluggish – still...