Floss tassels

I discovered a free tutorial to make floss tassels over at Hobby Lobby and gave it a go. Of course I selected the spectrum of corals/blushes/pinks; how could I prevent myself? I made the one on the left first, following the directions except that I didn’t use...

Shawkl’s ICQC 103 Ribbon V

The last task in the monogram segment is to make a puffy ribbon letter. I chose to use my own handwriting for the shape, and V for my surname since it represents both Boy and me. I couched the 7mm silk ribbon down with some specialty perle cotton, which has a thin...

Shawkl’s ICQC 103 Beaded S

The second task in the monogram lesson was to make a beaded letter. I felt I was going to not have enough beads, so I opted to use a stem stitch in a large perle cotton as fill. I rather like the texture combination! I hadn’t done any true beading work before,...

Shawkl’s ICQC 103 Embroidered M

The lessons for this segment of the intermediate crazy quilt course (ICQC) involve working monograms in a few different styles. The first task is using embroidery. I wanted to challenge myself, of course, so I didn’t just use basic stitches. There is nothing...

Shawkl’s ICQC 103 Wisteria

The title of this post claims you’ll see wisteria, but in truth, I converted this task to a grapevine because I’ve never seen wisteria in person (though it is all over my dream house grounds!) but my gramma and grampa had a small vineyard. The premise is...

Shawkl’s ICQC 103 Mixed Media

I am part of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America (EGA) through a local chapter, and I recently came across a little hedgehog-on-a-log piece that Terry Vanderslice designed as an introduction to raised embroidery (also known as stumpwork). I knew I wanted to try...