#52tagshannemade 14
I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 14’s theme is “a pocket for a memory of a place” – where I’d like to visit when covid is behind us.
I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 14’s theme is “a pocket for a memory of a place” – where I’d like to visit when covid is behind us.
I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 13’s theme is “layers”.
I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 12’s theme is “buttonhole stitch”.
My Hexie Dream project is coming along; this makes 300 hexies to choose from so far!
I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 11’s theme is “rings”.
I have EPPd 100 more hexies for my Hexie Dream project!