#52tagshannemade 41

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 41’s theme is a stitching theme, using “beautiful bullions”.

#52tagshannemade 40

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 40’s theme is “something yummy”, which I didn’t strictly follow this time.

Hexie Dreams 9

Fifty-seven more hexies to add to my Hexie Dreams fussy-cut paper peicing quilt, adding up to just over 600!

Hexie Dreams 8

Fifty-four more hexies to add to my Hexie Dreams fussy-cut paper peicing quilt!

Blue Moth Ornament

I ordered the blue moth ornament kit from Lolli and Grace to gift to a friend.

#52tagshannemade 39

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 39’s theme is applique, using the bits from last week’s tag.