I’m very much enjoying this MIOMIO streak where I am moving projects along and/or moving them out of my physical and mental spaces! Today’s post is about Willowynn‘s pattern. This is the first one I made, and the second I’d given away without snapping a pic. You’ll have to trust me that for all the things I learned from the first one, the second one turned out nicer. However, I had hopes and dreams of working on this one more to fall in love with it. Alas, no such fairy tale ending here. I don’t love it, and it no longer inspires me, so I’ll be Moving It Out, sans antennae, and archiving the pattern for perhaps a future day of inspiration.

Again, as was the recent case with Ann Wood, I hold absolutely no fault to Willowynn. I’m realizing that I simply lose the inspiration on some projects, generally when I reach the “end” and am not in love with my own work. Some projects are saved to linger at this point because I have new ideas to try and will go into the “Move It On” bin. Others are saved because I lost the creative spark and linger more so out of that darn sunk cost fallacy. These, I’ve noted, are getting binned as “Move it Out”. I’ll work on catching this distinction earlier than months or years later. (I hope!)