First, my apologies to the RSS readers if they’ve been getting all my test posts in their feed. I’ve had a problem with my newsletter plugin and have been working with the developers to sort it out. Boy and I’ve come up with a fix in the meantime, so I hope the newsletter reached everyone ok?
As another MIOMIO project, I found this lying around and decided to tackle it. It is from SewCanShe, and I’ve made one before. The stumbling block for me was three-fold. The most crucial being that after I spent such time making the letters very neat with the tiniest of stitching, I realized that once I sewed it together, the phrase (which reads “not doing more than the average is what keeps the average down”) wouldn’t be centered, and that annoyed me. I mean, it’s kind of opposite to the philosophy in my stitching!

The second point, though less important, was that when I made some slight changes this round with thicker fabric and a layer of interfacing for the stitching, I didn’t take into consideration the new thickness, so the little purple piece barely fit. Unfortunately, I didn’t have more I could use, and I really wanted to keep it the same as the inside of the strap. And the third point was that I had run out of the clips I liked. I had considered buying more online. Yet, it’s usually best to buy in bulk yet I don’t want to buy more stuff. Then I wanted to just pick up one at the store next time I dropped in which rarely happened and therefore I never remembered. And so there it lingered, tucked away in my Work-In-Progress pile taking up space. So recently I deconstructed a cheap fob I had lying around instead. To add insult to injury (of my own doing), I didn’t want to pull out the sewing machine just for this, and it was tough to hand stitch through all the layers so I didn’t try so hard. In fact, it’s sloppy! But, I got it done, and its new home is on my lab keys.

This wristlet isn’t perfect in all these cosmetic ways, but it certainly is functional. And for that, it has been another success for the “Move It On or Move It Out” series I set for myself this year; I’ll consider it a win!