The title is in reference to Ann Wood Handmade, who has delighted me for years with her simple hand stitching ideas. Sever years ago now, I had stitched up her mouse pattern a few times (see here, here, and here). Probably in 2023, I came across her Picnic Bug pattern and decided to give it a go.

I never posted about it because after making it, I had wanted to change a few things, and the colors, and make one I loved. I didn’t love this one, so I viewed it as a practice go. I do love how expressive the arms and legs can make it – here it looks like it is sarcastically clapping at me for finally coming to terms that I am moving away from this project as part of my MIOMIO campaign this year. It didn’t grip me, so I’ve put away all the supplies I had lingering around it. In the same little box, I also found another of Ann’s projects that I bailed on mid-production: her little House Fly Rag Doll. Rather than completing it, or viewing it as a test and remaking one I loved, I have decided to abandon this little bug too.

So far so good with my “Move It On or Move It Out” philosophy! But I want to be clear: This is not a fault of Ann’s generously free patterns, and it says much more about me than it does about her. Her patterns are very easy to follow, easy to stitch, don’t require many supplies at all (the smallest scraps of fabric usually will do), and are wonderfully whimsical. Give them a try if you have time!