Sharon over at Pintangle runs Take a Stitch Tuesday (TAST) each year, and I thought it a great opportunity to address some of the weak stitching in my Hexie Dreams quilt, so I’ll be doing that each week. This week is the Running Stitch, which doesn’t really work so well as a reinforcement stitch between hexies, but I added a cheater version which runs back and forth under the fabric (and it probably has a name, but I am not recalling it just now). I’m not going to aim for perfection here, as I think a little wonk will only make it all the more cheery:) I also don’t plan to post pics every single week, but just know that this is another “Move It On” project I have happening behind the scenes (not that I would ever “Move It Out”).

I completed a TAST bunting a few years ago, if you’d like a hint at what the Pintangle challenge is all about. Sharon simply assigns one stitch a week, released every Tuesday (with some break weeks built in for catching up). Her blog has a wonderful stitch dictionary to walk you through how to make each stitch. The early ones are basic foundational stitches, and they get more exciting as the year draws on. You can use the stitches however you want – from a simple doodle cloth to a planned project. It was a lot of fun, with low requirements and only a few minutes of time each week – try it out if you get the chance!