Interwoven Expressions 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Boy and I made the journey to see Interwoven Expressions again this year, where we both picked up some loot. Since it is textile art, let me introduce you to a few artists:

I absolutely needed this little bee by Paula Vogie (no website that I could find). I know enough that I know I could make my own, but I never would. And part of the fun of going to art shows (something we’ve been doing more of) is to meet the artists and support their inspirational work!

Next, I needed this little bag, by Mindy from Mindy’s Bag Yard, of course. It’s in my colors and made with vintage finds. The back has it’s own design (seen in the first photo above). It’s become a tiny sewing kit for me.

Then, Boy scooped up this towel. He was fascinated at the colors, and it’s so soft! The artist is Mary Ippel, and she was happy to explain how she wove it.

There were plenty other artists who tempted our wallets, but we settled on just these three items. I will say I developed a huge craft crush on Kyra Richter‘s felted hares, though. I was *this close* to buying one, but I just wasn’t ready to spend that much on a single piece. I did tell Boy that we are going back next year, early morning, in hopes that she will return because I just wouldn’t pass it up a second time; I’ll be ready! There was something with one of her hares that just spoke to me in the Maya’s-spirit-animal-was-this-exact-bunny kind of way.

This last photo is not related to textile art, nor Interwoven Expressions. At work, they are demolishing the lab above us and allowed everyone to walk in and take whatever we might find useful in our labs first. I came across this piece, lost long ago considering it was nearly completely black with dust when I pulled it from hiding. Thank goodness it had been kept in the original plastic! I looked up the artist, and she’s still around: Jan Skytta. I wonder the story of how her art got into a lab, and then left behind for me to discover!


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