[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] We were asked to find some objects to wrap for our tags this week. This proved to be quite a conundrum as I simply had no idea what I would wrap. Finally, I went to a bin where I keep supplies that do not have a known purpose: random things like shells, plastic notebooks covers, laminate samples, just anything that I thought I could use in a project at some point. In there, I came across some stain glass chips and knew immediately these were the perfect objects!

Using perle cotton, I wrapped each one and attached them to some bits of fabric. I liked having stained glass because it tied in with the theme for the week.

My advisor from grad school came up to campus to work on a project with another professor, so we caught up at lunch and at day’s end. He was impressed with the Harry Potter-ness, and I can’t argue that. I also got to see the really cool skeletal collection he was working with, and he tagged me in as the go-to for any follow up work, since I am right there already.

Our discussion also got me thinking once again about the problems of bioarchaeology in America, and this would be food for thought that became the theme of a later tag (stay tuned for the “memory” tag).