[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] Fireworks was the theme for the week, using beads, sequins, and stitching.

I used a scrap of fabric with a house on it that I picked up at my last guild meeting. (I haven’t been able to attend guild meetings for months now, with that overbooked schedule of mine.) The fireworks were made with sequins and metallic threads. Then I added some straight stitch grass and a chunky satin stitch pathway for depth.

Because of covid and whatnot, we hadn’t seen my nephew properly in way too long, so we took him out for dinner to catch up. It was also one of our very few times eating out since the pandemic began, so I appreciated it two-fold!

I think Anne chose fireworks because of a UK holiday, but – especially because I was so behind on crafting these – the timing of fireworks with winter season was strange to me. It just made me dream of summer!