[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] Anne illustrated how to use a bullion stitch for decorative edging around a folded piece of fabric, so that’s what I made!

I chose a color palette with a lot of colors, kind of reminiscent for me as an old-timey circus. I picked out the red from the background swatch to make my bullion knots (and colonial knots). I kind of felt like I was in a surreal place, so the odd combination of colors felt right.

When I applied for that job I mentioned before, it was really on a whim and out of some growing ennui. I wasn’t really, like, serious. When I found out I got the interview, I was taken aback because I didn’t think I’d get that far. I haven’t properly interviewed since 2000 so I spent the week investigating how it’s done these days. And then, to add to my nerves, I found that rather than meeting HR first, I was to interview (via zoom) with the hiring manager directly (and the current employee that I’d be replacing). That prospect is probably pretty normal, but I’d been casually following his work for practically two decades so I was stoked just to get a personal meeting with him.

Stay tuned for how that turned out!