TextileArtist.org‘s eleventh workshop was hosted by Anne Kelly, whose previous Community Stitch challenge prompted me to make a mirrored floral arrangement. This workshop is another fitting for mixed media: she introduced me to using tissue paper in a way that makes an almost oil cloth type of ground fabric to work on. It was really fun! We were to make a concertina book with travel memorabilia, but I didn’t have any readily available so instead I opted to dig into the “junk box” of unused and left over scrapbook supplies.

Since these bits of paper didn’t hold a cohesive meaning for me, I did feel that my creativity was quite lacking (and that also affected my desire to complete it). I was interested in the process, however, so I kept at it and added embroidery throughout to try to pull it all together.

I am unhappy with some experiments made with coloring pencils and crayons, but that’s alright. As a practice piece, that is exactly its point! To learn from mistakes!

Here is the whole thing unfolded. I would like to try this method again. My glue mixture was off, so I’ll tweak that. And having a mixed media memory book for a trip would be really cool. I do have a history of scrapbooking so mixing that love with my stitching love could make awesome art babies!