I love books and I love bookstores but those are harder to find, at least the good ones with All The Books and All The Things. For instance, we no longer have a Borders or a Barnes & Noble, and our Books-A-Million is super tiny. But the BAM where I visited for Thanksgiving is pretty great and I picked up this flocked book box for my sewing supplies. I kinda wanted it but wasn’t really sure about it (Boy actually got it for me because I couldn’t make up my mind). Turns out, I absolutely love the thing!

I usually have a zippered bag for my supplies and while I work, they get lost in the mess I create.

I bought a large tray to try to keep that under control, but I just don’t use it often, and when I do, it is still so easy to lose my things. This box keeps all my tools handy, while easily moving around (read as: stacked under/on top of all kinds of things). Even my little kitty pin cushion I inherited from my gramma fits – pins included!