I picked up my first needle felting kit when I stopped by Benzie Design in person (an adorable shop!). I was not sure what I expected. Would I like it? Would it be difficult? Would I be good at it? How do you turn loose wool into shapes? How long does it take? How free can you be with mistakes? Yadda yadda.
I discovered that the initial felting was slow and frustrating, but once a shape starts taking shape, it felt as easy as clay sculpting. I made this little birdie in just a few hours with zero prior experience and I’m fairly proud of it! Is needle felting my thing? That’s still out awaiting more evidence.
I was quite pleased with the kit – plenty of wool to practice. In fact, I could probably make two or even more little birdies (except I do not have extra wire for legs or little eyeballs). I see experimentation in my future!