TAST: Roundup 5

Friday, December 28, 2018
Pintangle's Take a Stitch Tuesday (TAST) by Sharon Boggon

You’ve read about my idea for this here, right? Ok! See all completed TAST posts here.

Without further adieu, front and back:

This is my last TAST pennant. No, no, don’t congratulate me yet! I have a single stitch left. See, after completing the last pennant, I ran into an issue – a big issue! I ran out of the fabric! So, I had to force as many stitches as possible onto this pennant – which actually wasn’t hard. Except for one. ONE! Ugh. But, I have a plan for it, so no worries. Anyway, up next is Stitch #46 Barb Stitch:

Stitch #31 Vandyke Stitch – totally would have been more awesome in perle cotton, but I did not have any on hand. You can barely tell that the center line has a lovely braided effect. However, I have done this stitch before so I do know about that – you can find it on my Butterfly Pillow.

That pillow also has Stitch #42 Coral Stitch. I tried to work it with the little knots spaced differently. Then there is Stitch #47 Berry Stitch. This is a neat variation – I usually add a straight stitch if I need to fill in a detached chain stitch, but adding a second detached chain inside (or outside, depending on how you work it), would definitely stand out more. Stitch #40 Woven Detached Chain is what makes up the stem and leaf of the little flower motif. Both times, the chain stitch collapsed into a linear stitch. I’ll need more practice with it!

Now, if Stitch #28 Half-Chevron wasn’t so versatile, I could have had room for the last stitch! But, I love it when stitches can be applied in so many ways so I just had to experiment with this one. The top (blue and purple) overlap. The two purples mirror each other. The second purple and second blue are offset. The pinkish-purple is turned sideways and reminds me of the Flying Geese quilt pattern. The dark blues each make a box – one with the points outward, and one inward. And the dark purple makes a little windmill effect.

Now, that single last stitch! It will be super easy to do, once I dig out the pennant I need…


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