You’ve read about my idea for this here, right? Ok! See all completed TAST posts here.
Front only as I again forgot to snap one of the back. Oi!

I had trouble planning much creativity with this one. I blame the fact that I am working overtime fending off the colds and flu of everyone I know. So far I am winning, but the symptoms are seeming to be more irritating as each day draws on. Wish me luck! Same to you, all ye sickos or soon-to-be sickos out there.

To compensate, I used a color set I found quite pleasant. Most of the ideas are from Sharon herself, either online or in her book. Mary gave me the brilliant idea of “tipping” the detached chains in a different color. To do this is a bit of a cheat – her easier method involves using straight stitches (so I had also made cross stitches). Because I cheated a wee bit here, I cheated elsewhere too, but only with straight stitches, I swear!

I do need to give a shout out to Wild Olive’s easy stitch watermelon hoop art that I discovered when looking for ideas for a different project.

The dandelion idea I am sure isn’t my own. However, when I thought about doing it with the TAST: fly stitch, I came across a beautiful black and white photo of a dandelion and sort of mimicked that. I also experimented with a butterfly, fly, and dragonfly. And, of course, had to fit the requisite lazy daisy on there somewhere!

The title, obviously. The example stitches are horrendous. I will probably change them before I sew this up into a pennant. I switched to a split stitch rather than stem, but the curves still aren’t working. I guess next time I will make it bolder with two threads and see how that helps. But, alas, I want to go tuck myself in to bed so I’m calling this one done and will ignore that not all the markings are even gone.
Looking forward to next week’s stitch (and not losing this fight with germs!).