So I fell off the blogging wagon a bit when Apple decided to stop supporting Aperture and therefore managing photos became extraordinarily menacing. Boy got me Lightroom but I could not get on board. Part of that was how it imported my Aperture library all fungled and so I just didn’t think too highly of it from the get-go. After much complaining, he set me up with a trial run of Capture One and even though apparently the interwebz claims it to be quite difficult, I took to it with ease (though the price tag might be more of a pill to swallow!).
So on that note, I hope to be adding quite a few posts once I get everything sorted out appropriately (because I have been crafting!). In the meantime, check out how I reworked that Scandinavian-inspired heart for my guild I wasn’t digging. The colors are more “English rose” than Scandinavian, but that’s because it was my first foray into the world of legit perle cotton so I just picked some colors without a project in mind. I think I love legit perle cotton. This was made with size 12. I am not sure what it will be yet so for now it is just hanging out.