My sister-in-law brought over some paints and water coloring books recently. Since I was little, I’ve always found watercoloring frustrating. The paper never holds up; the colors never mix right. Needless to say, it is not my forte. But, it is a fun way to pass the time, so I tried my hand at it. These came out of these two books:

Katie made these. I especially like the splattered look!

I made these two:

My favorite were these watercolor feathers. Outside of the lines got rather messy, so I decided to cut them out. Now, they look great on my craft wall!

She then invited me to a Wine and Canvas event. It was very much like I expected on a cultural level except that it went too fast for me! I thought for sure that three hours would be enough but I was rushed the whole time. That’s ok – I did learn some things and had fun doing it. And I was one of the few in the slower crowd. Here’s what it was suppose to look like:

And here is me hating on my grass:

And the final (awful) result, below. I had a smear of blue along the water line, so I made a whale tail (well, I tried to). I was afraid to add birds and I didn’t quite get what she was saying about them, so I just made the little hump birds from childhood. I had more fun doing the little lighthouse and fence posts (which are my favorite) than anything else. I don’t think impressionistic is my style. I got pretty frustrated being rushed at the end (for the clouds) and time ran out so ta-da, I guess. At any rate, it’s hanging at Boy’s office now! I’d do it again, don’t let me fool you:)