If you missed it, you can read about the creation of the fabric family tree. Im super thrilled to finally get it framed.

I ran into a slight bit of a problem as the size I wanted was 16 x 24, which is not standard for photo frames. It is, however, standard of poster frames but poster frames do not come in the “floating” style (nor are they glass, but Ill take what i can get). I ordered two as a quick way to put it all together, instead of finding plexiglass for the backside elsewhere.
I was prepared to work with tutorial at How Does She? to make my own floating frame: Floating Frame Tutorial. But i lucked out because i was able to use both plexiglass pieces in one frame without any hotglue or other additional work. (The jury is still out on how you can see the little tabs though …).
Its been delivered into the care of its new owners, yippee!
And now I have a frame without any plexiglass but Im not deterred because “empty frames” make cool art. For instance, Make It and Love It shows two project ideas just for the holiday season: Christmas Wall Vinyl and Simple Christmas Decor.
What do yall think?
It’s uber pretty! 😀 i likes. Idk about over there, but here home depots/loews sell glass (plexi too i think) cut to common picture frame sizes. MaYbE you can get some and make a new simple frame out of it… or do cool projects as you mentioned 🙂
Ooo ill have to check it out:)